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Japanese kanji appears in the central part of the crest; the heart of it. Its translation is 'the place where dragons are born'. This is meant to recognize and inspire the 'indomitable spirit' that lies within us all. A spirit of perseverance that cannot be easily defeated or subdued along with courage and confidence in all that we do.

The outer part of the crest design relates to the Halifax Citadel fortress; strength against physical attack. Those training at the Halifax Ryuseikan will learn how to fortify themselves. It will develop both physical and morale strength that invigorates and encourages personal growth.

The color RED that surrounds the crest, symbolizes the Japanese Rising Sun; the birthplace of Chito Ryu Karate Do.



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Chito-Ryu Karate was founded in Japan by the Okinawan master Dr. Tsuyoshi Chitose (1898 - 1984). Chitose (O Sensei), based his teachings on extensive study of Okinawan Shorei-ryu and Shorin-ryu karate and his medical knowledge of physiology. He combined the strengths of these two systems and eliminated training elements detrimental to the practitioner’s health. The characters in the name Chito-Ryu Karate translate as Chi = 1000 (years), To = Tang Dynasty in China (618 - 907AD), Ryu = Style, Kara = Empty, Te = Hand & Do = Way or Method.


Today, the International Chito-Ryu Karate-Do Federation is under the direction of Chitose Sensei, 2nd generation Soke of Chito-Ryu Karate-Do. Soke Sensei continues to build on the foundation set by his father.


Chito-Ryu is one of the oldest styles of karate in Canada. Chito-Ryu karate offers participants excellent physical conditioning and strong mental discipline, as well as a proven method of self-defense. This Karate style can be practiced by all ages. No special athletic abilities or flexibility is required. Chito-Ryu traditional karate focuses on good manners, self-discipline, physical fitness and self-defense.